Friday, July 1, 2011


Well hello there!  Sorry I've been MIA for the better part of June.  The move threw me into a tailspin of stress and time-constraints, but I've made it to July 1 and that means theoretically things should start settling down.

I had planned to do some short easy runs/walks this week, but I fell on Monday busting my right knee up but good.  It's finally started to heal and the pain is definitely subsiding.  That means - new plans!

I'm going to post a "training plan" on Sunday (in quotes because I'll still be taking it easy), but here are my hopes and dreams for the weekend.

  • Saturday: Walk 3 miles
  • Sunday: Run 1.5 miles
  • Monday: Enjoy the pool and drink lots of beer!
Seems like a pretty simple schedule to follow.  Eric is off this weekend as well, so I'm hoping I can coerce him into joining me.

On the new home front, we're almost completely unpacked in the living area of the house (dining room, living room, kitchen), so I'll be posting those photos soon.  We just have a few more boxes of books to put away, and a few paintings/wall decorations to hang and we'll be all set!...for now.  I daydream of curtains and Etsy prints, but those are better left for another day - when we've recovered financially from the actual moving portion of the move.

How have you recovered from a blunt injury?

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