The Atlanta 10 Miler was yesterday, and I didn't run it. I started training for it back in August, but my training failed me. Let's be real. I failed me.
When I was training for the Peachtree Road Race, I took a million yoga classes. I signed up for a 21 day challenge - and completed it - and made a habit of going at least once a week, if not more. And shockingly, I did not develop any significant knee pain.
So when I started really considering the Triple Peach, and training for the 10 Miler and the Half Marathon, I knew yoga had to be part of my training routine. And yet. Life gets in the way of best intentions, right?
I ended up making time for a personal trainer twice a week, running 2-3 times per week, and doing a fun cardio session with friends once a week or so. And no yoga. None. On top of that, my long runs were inconsistent, and I don't think I built my mileage up safely.
Last Sunday, I planned to run 8 miles. Only 3 miles in my knee popped, and I knew it was over. I could barely put any pressure on it for the rest of the day. My knee had been getting more and more sore after every run, but I kept thinking I just needed to push through. So stupid.
I had previously scheduled a doctor's appointment that Monday to get checked out and hopefully get some info on how to train a little better. Instead, the doctor told me to stop running completely. I need 5-6 weeks of physical therapy, and I can start training again after that. He did say I could try pool running or finding a place that has a zero gravity treadmill, but neither of those options are affordable on TOP of the physical therapy co-pays and personal training.
So yesterday, I toed the starting line to walk the Atlanta 5K with my friend. We ended up using the run/walk method, and from a cardio perspective, I felt fantastic. I could have kept going for hours like that. My knee felt alright as we jogged, but right at the end, I told Kristy we should sprint to the finish line - terrible idea. I felt a shooting pain, obviously, and my knee was sore for the whole rest of the day. I'm sure you're all shocked.
I hate that I can't run. I especially hate that I did A LOT of cross training and still injured myself. I hate that I'm trying to lose weight, and my easiest and best option for cardio is out of the picture for the next month. I hate that I'm going to lose all the speed I worked so hard to get.
I'm really, really bummed out.
BUT. I'm going to attend my physical therapy sessions and my personal training sessions, and throw myself into getting better. Then I'm going to find a really fantastically fun race and train smarter.
I don't want to end on a sour note though, so here are some positives that came out of yesterday:
1. Slumber party with my BFF so we could get ready together in the way early hours of Sunday morning.
2. 7:00 AM dance parties at the starting line.
3. Kristy had fun running and wants to do it again!
4. I got to hang out with a ton of friends and cheer on strangers to the finish line.
5. I still got a 5K medal, and my Triple Peach Medal.*
6. I also still got a pretty rad 10 Miler zip up.**
7. Epic brunch with mimosas (err...I mean ORANGE JUICE).
8. Epic nap.
9. Inspired to find some 10Ks to train for before next year's Triple Peach.
Also, after seeing a ton of walkers finish the 10 Miler, I'm going to attempt to continue training to walk the half marathon. If I'm not fast enough (the cut-off time is 15 min/mi), I can easily switch to the 5K.
*I'll still be participating in the 3 events, so it sort of counts, right?
**I've been looking to purchase some winter workout gear, so this was an excellent surprise edition.
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