Monday:Time for another update! They say that the most important day of any training plan is your resting day. Well, clearly I'm really good at that. Apparently I've mastered the most difficult part of training for a long race. I guess I should get started on the rest, huh?RestDone
Tuesday:Yoga RestDone
Thursday:Easy 2 mi Run/Walk RestDone
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Easy 3 mi Run/Walk
Sunday: 3 mi Run at 5k pace
In all seriousness, my week has been incredibly busy. I have some stuff in the works that I can't really talk about just yet, but let's just say that hopefully my time not working out will have been worth it. But, today is Friday! I left my gym bag at home, but I'm thinking of taking J-dog for that 2 mi Run/Walk I was supposed to do yesterday. I have to get him used to walking on a leash again, since that'll be imperative starting two weeks from today!
What's going on here? He looks like a 40 lb dog. I can tell you he's about twice that big.
He looks so sweet, right? Lies.
Holy crap, I'm moving two weeks from today. Two weeks, y'all. That's, like, not that far away.
In other news that may or may not excite you, I've got a big photography project coming up in the next month. If any of you have any experience in the publishing world, please shoot me an email at
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